(817) 909-0504 info@credithelpusa.org

Clean Credit Isn’t Always Enough…

 We Can Help You Establish Credit

Sometimes you may need to establish credit and develop current and positive trade line history.

 Debt removal is not enough if you have no positive accounts reporting on your bureaus.  We can guide and help you choose from our vast resources to get you started and on your way to positive monthly reporting.  We can help you get credit cards, direct you to companies that will finance you with less than perfect credit and report positively on your credit reports monthly. 

We also can place positive trade lines on all three of your credit bureaus! This is a wonderful service that we offer our clients who don’t want to take the time to establish new credit lines.

We can add trade lines ($5000 – $20,000 credit limit  /  5 – 20 yr. history)  to all three of your credit bureau reports.  This can instantly increase your scores!